Send It

A friend recently asked me for advice on a big life decision. When it comes to big life decisions, the choice that requires courage—action in the face of fear— is usually the most fulfilling one.

Decisions like moving cities, changing careers, or telling someone you like them, often seem drastic and impulsive. But they are not impulsive. You’ve often thought about the decision consciously and subconsciously for months, if not years. You’ve evaluated its consequences and tradeoffs, and you might’ve spoken to several people about it. You have an instinctive answer for what you want. If you flipped a coin to decide between the choices, you would know how you wanted the coin to land.

But the tension arises in your mind when you have to finally act on it—break your apartment lease, tell your boss you’re leaving, text your crush. You are scared. You prefer the certainty of your current misery than the uncertainty of the future. What if you make no new friends in the new city? What if you suck at your new career? What if the girl you like doesn’t like you back? What should you do?

The answer is: send it.

Kya leke aaya jagat mein

What do you come to earth with?

Kya leke jaayega

What will you take with you when you die?

Do din ki zindagi hai

Life lasts a couple of days

Do din ka mela

It’s a two day festival 

 – Kabir